Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Radical Changes Are Coming

Have any of you heard of this new and developing technology? We hadn't until a couple of days ago...maybe, it's because we don't get news like normal folks. Anyway, I wanted to share it with you, in case you hadn't been aware of it...
I don't usually get excited about stuff I come across on the internet or see in the "what's new" type of shows on television. I sure am excited about this, though.
Emerging graphene technology is really interesting. I've done a little research about it, and I think it may be a real game changer in our world. Graphene technology may have a profound and positive effect on almost everything we touch and use...batteries, semiconductors, solar, construction, space, aviation, ground transportation, the medical appears that the use of the material to improve what we all use everyday might shake the very foundations of our lives. Of course, it isn't going to happen overnight and I don't think every idea will be able to be realized.
But, hey...let's imagine the possibilities:
with aircraft:
they could be made 80% lighter using graphene laminates...
powered by graphene-based energy capacitors and electric motors...
using no gas, jet fuel, or diesel to power them....
and have larger payloads than comparable aircraft of today!
military applications:
so many possiblities here, but how about stronger armor on the vehicles
 to protect from IED's...and it repairs itself!
they could be built lighter and safer...
wide-spread use of electric cars could be a reality.
more efficient, and lighter pacemakers...
faster, more accurate computers to aid in diagnosis and treatment...
prosthetics that can be stronger, faster, lighter...
(sounds like a soundbite from 6 Million $ Man)

One of the websites I read described the strength of the could support a cat in a hammock made of graphene that wouldn't weigh more than a cat's whisker.

I'm thinking a light-weight cage for the cat would be a better use, though.

Check out these websites and see what you might discover for yourself!!

And, for the studious among us...

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