Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Friday, February 22, 2013

cody and jureen

Cody and Jureen took a break from their work schedules to join us on the boat for Christmas. Yes, I know that Christmas was about 2 months ago...but, hey, we've been a little busy.
They flew into St. Thomas, and came all the way to Coki Beach in a taxi. We spent the night in Water Bay, adjacent to the beach, and headed there for a dive the following morning. Cody had never used scuba equipment before, so it was a real treat for him. Jureen couldn't do any seems no one has ever proved that pregnancy and diving were or were not compatible. She didn't want to be a test case for the industry. I also think that sailing and being pg aren't always compatible, either. Or, maybe, it's just my driving....
We followed up with sail to St. was a little rough attempting a passage between Mingo and Grass Cays, so we elected to drop the sails and motor on the lee side of the islands....after Jureen "lost her cookies" due to the 5 ft waves and lots of wind. We made it to Leinster Bay and had a wonderful walk up the trail to the ruins of a home on the hill overlooking the bay. There were lots of creepy spiders on all of the pretty flowers around the was necessary to watch where you walked to avoid pushing through all of the webs that were everywhere. I don't do spiders very well!
The next day, we blew into Soper's Hole and cleared into the BVI. We've discovered the RiteWay grocery store there is a great place to purchase provisions, including libations that are appropriate for sailors and their boat wenches. The meal we had at Pusser's Restaurant was great. Our sail from Soper's Hole to Benures Bay on Norman Island was fast and fun with no one "feeding the fish". We spent quality time with more diving, snorkling, hiking on trails and just relaxing in each other's company...for two days.
Then, our destination was to Trellis Bay for the Full Moon Party...a full day sailing the 15 miles. Our decision (Cody and me) to attempt a sail between Norman and Peter Islands and then out over the deep water of the Caribbean sea and tack back through the Salt Island Passage was a mistake. Should've known better, given the recent history....yep, Jureen was not doing so well...Bless her heart...not once did she complain or yell at us (we sure deserved it). We motored the remainder of the way to Trellis Bay and anchored for the night. We went ashore and enjoyed the evening with the mocko jumbies and an exotic dancer on the appears the venue is working towards a more adult crowd than what we have seen in the past. The little ferry boat picked us up on shore and delivered us to Bellamy Cay, where we went to the Last Resort for a short visit.
We decided to enjoy the next day in a rental car, driving around Tortola and seeing some of the sights. Cody and Jureen hopped on the ferry in Road Town and headed back to St. Thomas for their flight home. There were so many other places we wanted to take them, but just ran out of time. Cody and Jureen liked their Christmas adventure and are hoping to make it back next year...and we will get to spend time with our newest grand daughter...YEAH!! I'll get her into sailing early. I bet she will probably become an "Admiral of the fleet" instead of a boat wench. I need to get the other grandkids down to train them all in the proper use of a sailboat!
All our stockings were hung from the handrail with care...

It was really nice to have family for Christmas morning

On top of Norman Island

A budding diver in Benures Bay

Jureen watching from above

Cody seems to learn quickly...

and get comfortable

Our growing diving family!

Jureen was a natural at manning the helm and tacked
like a pro

Cody ran the helm also, and easily learned to
trim the sails

On top of some of the lower ruins along the shore of Leinster Bay

The pretty flowers on the ruins...

with nasty-looking spiders, just waiting to crawl on you,
bite you and etc.

The ruins of the house on top of the hill are covered
 in the flowers and other vegetation.

Are we there, yet?

They sure make a nice couple

Hanging out at "The Last Resort"

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