Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Puerto Rico, day 2

Our next adventure in Puerto Rico, and the 2nd marina we visited for our boat-storage questions was Palmas Del Mar.
It was absolutely beautiful. The grounds are landscaped so nice with waterfalls, golf courses, walking and bicycling paths. The facility has condos, hotels with some of the designated driving areas for golf carts only. Oh yes, I forgot, it has a marina. There isn't room for 1,000 boats, but it sure was nice.
Did I mention swimming pools? The marina has it's own little lounging area next to the clubhouse...
that includes it's own pool...

with a professional wait staff ready to tend to all of your alcohol and hoighty-toighty snack needs! Rumor has it that he likes to wear tropical shirts to liven up the quests' view. He specializes in small, finger-sized fishy foods.

The marina manager is looking over her domain in the unfinished clubhouse. She anticipates that she will be able to accomodate our vessel in one of the nicest areas of the marina...for 1/2 the going rate. We'll think about it!

On our way back to the boat, we saw a nice view of the Eastern mountains of Puerto Rico. This area includes El Yunque rainforest. The literature claims it is the only rainforest in the U.S. I guess some of the areas in Hawaii aren't in the same category. Being an ex-Washington State resident, I seem to recall the claim to the Olympic National Forest which is classified, I believe, as a rainforest. I know, for a fact, it rains there.
Our plan is to revisit Puerto Rico via rental car to see many sights, such as the Arecibo radio telescope (featured in Contact and one of the James Bond movies) as well as the forts and sights of San Juan.
After our visit to Puerto Rico, we sailed back to Culebra, then on to St. Thomas. We'll pick up on those blogs next.

1 comment:

  1. OK, soooooooo many beautiful places! Would love to come and visit, but never know where you'll be! HA You are ALWAYS on the go. Have fun!
    Oh and by the way, the professional staff and manager look VERY familiar! Love You
