Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Friday, March 19, 2010 land!

Karen and I made it to Culebra, one of the Spanish Virgin Islands. We celebrated our 1st "long cross-country" with a dinghy ride to the dock for a meal and libations at Mamacita's. What a fun trip we had. 19 miles of sailing downwind...5.5kts average with 3' seas. Almost all of it on a starboard tack. The anchor went down in Ensenada Honda harbor and off we went to shore.
We were so pleased to see how clean and friendly the island was. Most of the homes and businesses in the town of Dewey are old, but well-maintained. It's clear the residents take pride in their homes. It reminded me of the scene from Shrek, where he and Donkey went to the land Far Away, so clean!
This is a small art gallery with really nice, contemporary local art.
Pandeli's Bakery is where we "surfed" and did our blog. It has the only reliable (and fast) internet wifi.
Another scene of the downtown area. Not much traffic and only one gas station on the island. We have heard they run out of gas a lot, so planning is essential.
This is one of the churches of the island, in the center of town.
Hotel Kokomo is on the South side of Dewey, across the street from the ferry dock.
This is the pavilion where the numerous ferry passengers wait the passing of time, "limin style". The fare, one way to Fajardo (Puerto Rico), is $2...what a deal.
Culebra is one of our favorite islands so far. It really makes us want to improve our Spanish speaking skills...almost everything is written in Spanish...the road signs, newspapers, restaurant menus, etc. Fortunately, almost all of the residents are bilingual.


  1. Well, I like your "picture of the week"! It's a lot nicer than that dog.....HA Thanks for changing it!

  2. Really enjoying your adventure.
