Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A birthday to remember!

After we left the "digs" on the hill, Karen and I spent the day/night in Benures Bay, on the North side of Norman Island. This is the same place that the "pelican video" was shot, as seen on our youtube link. Our friends Ken and Joyce happened to be anchoring in the same area and ended up right next to us. Ken told us about an unimproved road system that had been "pioneered in" (an old logging term) so we set off. In the above picture, Karen is standing on part of the road just off of the beach.

As usual, I have to try a different path. I had decided to go up above the road in an attempt to get a photograph of our boat in the bay below us. I could have gotten back off of the bank the way I went up, but what fun is that?

That's our boat on the right. You may have noticed our stern line tying us to a tree on the shore. There is an anchor set off of the bow also. In effect, this keeps us angled out towards the opening of the bay and any oncoming waves. If just an anchor was used, we would be swinging in the direction of the wind (like the other 2 boats are) with the waves being abeam, causing quite a bit of unnecessary rocking motion. The boat in the center is Ken's; he was set up like our boat overnight, but chose to prep his boat for leaving in the morning and released his stern line. His boat is the same model of Beneteau as ours, except 2 years older.

Upon reaching the crest of the hill, this was our view looking to the Southeast.

We walked further up the road and turned to look towards the Southwest.

We needed to get back to our boat to raise anchor and head to Soper's Hole, Tortola and a birthday party, so we were unable to see much more of the island, but did stop to take this photo of the Eastern end of Norman Island.

I'm standing next to my favorite Caribbean tree, a turpentine tree. I really don't know if it has any market value, but it sure has cool-looking bark...they look like they've been painted with varnish that's been peeling back off in strips like a paper birch.

Me and my princess, enjoying a wonderful hike!

Ahhh, a painkiller for Karen and Crown Royal on the rocks for me. We ended our day at "Jolly Roger's" in Soper's Hole. The bar "wench" gave me an extra shot to top off my cup! Thanks for telling her it was my birthday, Karen!! Crown Royal tends to make me turn misty-eyed to the is the choice of ex-loggers, hunters, brothers and dads. Even horsemen and "spud" farmers, like Gene Miller, one of my dad's dearest friends.

Thanks for all of your stories and friendship...may you rest in Peace, Gene. You were the true definition of a friend to others...a gentle, caring man.

Our lives just keep getting more fun...and it sure shows on our faces! We told you all that we feel younger in the Caribbean...Karen is now about 39 and I'm celebrating turning 45.

Left to right...Max (Australia), me, Karen, Joyce, Ken (Tennessee and Alabama), Sue and Toddy (Wales, UK). Ken bought everyone their 1st drink and pizza for everyone. We spent the evening talking and laughing. What a great birthday! I think the only thing that would have made it better would've been if all of you could have joined us. Cheers to all of you.

1 comment:

  1. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sandy!!! I'm sure it will be one you will NEVER forget! Cheers back to you!
