Karen and I dove for the 1st time without an instructor! What fun we had. Sue and Toddy joined us on our boat for a trip to "The Indians" and Pelican Island. We stopped in the marina before our departure and picked up some dive tanks, and we were off! The sail out to the area was easy, as the winds were light and the waves were small...our only concern was whether there would be a mooring at the dive sight that would be available. The Indians are very popular for diving and snorkling and the North side of Pelican Island is noted as an easy dive area. There turned out to be 3 moorings we had available to choose from.

This is a view of The Indians from our mooring. They are a group of 4 rock formations rising 50' above the surface and extend vertically 50' to the sea floor.

Toddy kept watch on the boat while Sue snorkled around the area and Karen and I dove. The boat was moored in 25' of water, and the area we dove on descended to about 45'. Visibility was pretty good...about 40' or so.

This is a view of Karen at 30', with a soft coral (gorgonian) in between us.

The purple tube in the center of this photo is a sponge.

This common fan coral has a flamingo tongue on it. They eat the coral polyps that make up the fan, with the result of eventually killing the fan coral. The green areas of this coral are still healthy.

Karen tends to have waaayyy more air left over in her tank than I do. On this dive she had 1/2 of her air left over (1500#) after being down 45 minutes, while I was down to 1000#. We decided to go back to the boat and let Toddy use my equipment to go down for awhile.
Well, I must admit, these conch pictures look alot more appetizing than your 1st attempt! I'm sorry, your first one was DISGUSTING! You made this one look like it should be in a gourmet magazine! Good going. Keep up the good work!