Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Sunday, December 20, 2009

More Friends we've met

We continue to meet wonderful people while in Little Harbor. Above is a picture of Aaron and Carola, newlyweds from the San Fransisco area. They were married in July and, finally, have a chance for their honeymoon. They chartered a sailboat similar to ours and just happened to anchor right next to us in the bay. We had lunch on their boat, sharing our "wares" and they came over to ours later that evening with wine and chocolates. Two days later, when we had to get back over to Road Harbor, we met up with them again and strolled around Road Town, eventually ending up at a small restaurant for dinner. What a fun couple they are! We hope to visit with them in CA this summer.
 While in the bay, this "big boy" asked us if it was alright to anchor next to all of us. We thought for a few minutes and finally gave in. I guess the bay was big enough for all of us "upper crust" sorts. Aaron and Carola stayed in the bay longer that day than we did and mentioned, later, that there was a fancy helicopter flying around this boat like they were inspecting things.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, Newlyweds! Aren't they the cutest? HA
    So, now you've become "upper crust", have you?
    TEE HEE Love Ya! Keep on sailing>
