Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Merry Caribbean Christmas, 2009

Welcome to our Christmas blog, 2009
Trellis Bay, Beef Island, BVI

The above two pictures were taken in Trellis Bay in September of this year and we chose to spend Christmas here because we have met so many nice people who live here. Trellis Bay is adjacent to the Tortola airport. As you can see, the dock would be pretty handy to tie up the dinghy to pick up arriving guests to our little section of paradise! No, I haven't asked anyone at the tower for a job.

As you can see, 110v electricity is not readily available on a sailboat. Karen has learned to improvise with her blow drying technique. She's getting ready for our Christmas Eve dinner on shore with some of our friends. In the picture below, we are seated inside "De Loose Mongoose". This is the main hangout for all of the cruisers and liveaboards in Trellis Bay. Starting on the left is Heather (Canada) Toddy and Sue (UK) Ken (Florida) then Karen and John (Canada). Rose, the cook, and the rest of the staff served up a wonderful meal: Turkey, ham, cheesy mashed pototoes, vegetables and favorite part of the meal. Karen had pecan pie and I had Caribbean black rum cake and pumpkin pie. MMMMM!

On Christmas day, Karen cooked up an even better meal for the two of us to share on our boat.
Ham, potatoes with gravy and green beans with sausage. Some of our friends stopped by during the day to visit and drop off small gifts. Kim, another friend, brought some cookies, John and Heather brought us our 1st Caribbean decoration (a snowman) as well as some DVD movies to watch from their inventory.

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and enjoy a peaceful and prosperous New Year!
Meanwhile, we'll keep working hard at trying to be productive and make all of you proud of us!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, life is tuff, huh? Good pictures and as always, very good stories. Thanks!
