Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hello again,

As I said previously, here's the "scoop" on our next trip...St. Thomas. We anchored in Charlotte Amalie, the main harbor. That's it in the background behind Karen. It wasn't a lot of fun being there due to the wave action coming into the side of the boats. (The wind kept us pointing towards the East and the waves come into the harbor from the South.) During the 7 nights we anchored there, we saw no less than 13 cruise ships...Princess, Carnival, Disney, Costa, etc. We also spent time shopping at Kmart and the grocery stores to reprovision our boat and add some "homeiness" stuff like throw pillows and rugs.

On one of the days, we invited our friend Tobie Welch (Karen's scuba instructor) and Ron Sharpe (a friend we met on the airplane ride from the states to the Caribbean) onto our boat and went scuba diving off of the coast of Buck Island, BVI. The water was fairly clear...about 60' of visibility at 60' of depth. Ron is waving, in the one picture and the other is of Karen below me about 15'. The other pic is of a sea turtle Ron had found and then brought me over to take a pic of. The interesting thing for me is that the picture shown has been rotated 180 degrees. In other words, I was unable to take it from a normal perspective because of the close confines. I had to sink upside down in a vertical position to snap the photo. Tobie and Ron have asked to go out again, soon, so I guess we didn't scare them too bad! Tobie has also told us he plans on showing how to catch, prepare, and cook our own lobster and conch. This makes me think that we should stop typing, so that you all won't be drooling on your keyboards.

I will update you next on the sail back to the BVI. SEEE YAAA


  1. Hey guys its your old friend Tobie. How are you guys. What a great day we had. But you did forget about leaving the sails up during our dive HAHAHA. a bit scary huh. Still a time i wont soon forget. My girl and i left the virgin islands about two years ago and are leaving in Hawaii. First we went to Kauai but now we live on Lanai. Would love to catch up. Oh one last thing, Are you still in the VI?

  2. Hi Tobie,

    Couldn't figure how to recontact you via blogger. Will try to find your contact info on a business card I think we have.
    Heard you were having a good time in HI. Hope all is well and your diving is fantastic.
    We're still in BVI/USVI in the Western US in summer via 5th wheel and truck.
    Our skype ph # 7029971963 or send us an email if we don't do same within a couple of weeks. Sandy
