Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Full Moon Fireball Party

Karen here....I haven't written in awhile, but had to share our indredible evening last night. We went to the Full Moon Party at Trellis Bay, BVI last night. Incredible! Had large Fireballs in the ocean, stilt walkers, and a great carribean band. We still can't believe that we are not on vacation. We actually live here! We anchored in Trellis Bay yesterday for the night and took our dinghy to shore for the party.

Today at noon, we are suppose to meet Michael Sawyer on shore at the cyber cafe. He is flying in.... the airport is a five minute walk to cyber cafe for him, and a three minute dinghy ride for us. Michael is the guy we met online who set us up with Captain Jim who taught us to sail. Michael has offices in Seattle and Canada. He is flying here for a Charter Boat show. We have talked him on the phone several times, but haven't met in person yet. Should be a fun visit!

We are meeting some really great people. It is so nice to have friends here!


  1. You starting to look like "Beach Bums"!!! HA

  2. I am crying..... not fair not fair. Only a few more years and we will be whooping it up with you guys! xoxox
