Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hey Toto, this doesn't look like Montana

Well, we are on day six in St. Thomas, and just had a minute to create a blog. Not sure how this all works.

We have had a great time on our first stop in Paradise! I finished my dive certification, then we did two boat dives. Saw some incredible things!!! Met some great people! I'm not much of a writer so, I will now pass the laptop to my adorable (and wordy) husband.

Love you, Karen

hey everyone...i'm not into deal with it.

we've had a really great time here...Karen has done really well with her dive certification...much better than the zero vis in MT. lots to see here.

The first part of the week focused on relaxing and was my day to have too much crown royal with all of our new friends. the resort only had about 6 or 7 couples in-house during the week and we got to know all of them well. Hunting dominated my conversations...can't speak for karen. some tentative plans were made for hunting next year....we'll see.

next week is sailing...not sure how intense or scary, but we'll see. we are really looking forward to the challenge. i can't express how excited i am to get started. i've been through all of the training books so far twice and even have a rope to practice my knots with.

As you can see, we are having a great time, with little planned beyond the next few days...not bad for being retired. I feel as though we are still on an extended vacation... retirement hasn't sunk in yet.

Not sure when we'll have internet to post here, but we will post as often as possible. we will attach photos and other stuff when we figure out how.

love you, sandy



  1. Woohoo! Hope you have smooth seas and a tailwind. Keep the Crown glass full and the barf bags empty. Happy sails!...JB & Tanna

  2. Well look at you two! Good for you. I'll make this short as I'm just learning this "blog" thing. I think JA has a "wicked" sense of humor for coming up with your blog name! He/She is very witty. Love you guys and hope everything works out well for you both! Don't forget the sunblock! Love You Lots, Aunt Di & Uncle Carl

  3. Yeah!!! It worked! Now all your friends are going to think you have a crazy/old Auntie!

  4. I guess you are on the boat today. Can't wait to here from you. Be careful, BE HAPPY, HAVE FUN. I am going to get hold of Cody again. He didn't call back. Mom

  5. Hey, don't forget to send pictures!!@!

  6. Hmmmmm, you lost at sea, or what? Haven't posted any info lately!
