Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Thursday, May 5, 2011

We are back online

Well, it's been a long time since I've written on the blog...I just couldn't get my motivation back to work up something to talk about...I miss Mom so much! Karen and I are so thankful we were able to spend a couple of really good weeks with her before she passed away. She lived to see her 75th birthday and 56th wedding anniversary with Dad. Dad and Mom raised 4 boys and enjoyed the births of 8 grandkids and 10 great grandkids.

She was a lung cancer survivor but died from emphysema. Her every breath was a struggle. Please, don't start smoking...if you already do, quit. You owe it to everyone around you that loves you and wants to spend time with you.

I often wondered how I was going to handle the death of one of my parents, and I can tell you that I have not gotten over it yet. The grief and tears are always right under the surface of everything I think and do. There seems to be such a giant hole in my life where she was...kind of like an emptiness that I can't seem to grasp myself or explain well to others. She meant so much to me, the family and all of her friends.We all came together in Yakima, WA to celebrate Mom and her life...she would have been very happy to see all of us together and healing.

Anyway, Karen and I are back on the boat in the islands. The weather has been the same old boring stuff we've noted before...temps in the 80's with occasional light breezes. Our sails were up for the first time in over a month as we traveled from Peter Island to Norman Island.

I will be posting some pics on the next blog, but wanted to share with you some of the new stuff on the side bar of our blog: there's an updated book list we've been working on. Additionally, I've posted a link to access a gps mapping location for you to look at...SPOT Satellite service. There is a scaling function on the LH side of the map that allows you to zoom in/out from the locations listed. Clicking on one of the pin points will give info for that spot. Lastly, I updated some of the side bar pictures.

You are all in our prayers for a healthy, happy life

Sandy and Karen
At Aimee and Nolan's wedding, 7/12/08


  1. Well, now it's time to "party" on. Glad you are back. Love You

  2. I see you are up to 4,997 blog hits. So, I'm going to do it three more times so I can be the 5,000th person!!!!! Aunt Di

  3. I DID IT!!!! I'm number 5,000!!!!! Do I win a trip to the Carribean?????? No really, what do I win????? xoxoxo
