Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Monday, May 16, 2011

Playing catch-up...not ketchup

Just like getting back up onto the horse after being bucked off...I guess it's time for me to get back to doing the blog.

We met Karen and Herb Seil last year...running into them (not literally, of course) last year. We came into one of the bays and noticed that they had a boat just like ours, so we decided to meet and greet them. They were kind enough to invite us aboard and share some snacks and ideas they had for their boat upgrades. We continued to see them occasionally throughout last years' sailing season, and met up with them again this year.
Karen and Herb Seil
Karen and I were invited by the Seils to join them on a snorkle trip just outside of Benures Bay on Norman Island. We think this area is, without a doubt, the nicest reef we've seen here in the B.V.I. We spent a really nice time visiting with them and they were able to continue to guide us in the use of our boat and our shared lifestyle.
Staghorn Coral among fan coral

Trumpet fish in center of pic

Later on in early March, we traveled over to St. Thomas, USVI to pick up my cousin, Steve Loges. He came down to the islands for a week-long visit. We had a great time, visiting various islands and seeing many cool sights. One of these was the "required" visit to The Baths. There was also a visit to "Foxy's" on Jost Van Dyke. Unfortunately, we had to leave him on the boat early while Karen and I flew back to Oregon to visit Mom while she was in hospice. We have such wonderful friends here...Sue, Toddy, Brendan and Phil...that helped us out while we were gone. They kept Steve entertained, including going visiting with friends, sailing and snorkling, providing transportation, etc. He even got to meet Dee and Martin...other friends we know...that have plans to visit the US this summer.

Snorkling at The Baths with Steve Loges

Some of the large granite boulders at The Baths

Along the trail that winds its way through The Baths

It's not that deep...he's on his knees

We took lots of much-needed breaks from all of
fun we were having

Hmmm...I'd better not say anything

Karen, Foxy and Steve
Pronounced "Yost Van Dike"


  1. So, What? I didn't win? ANYTHING???? Hmmmmm? :)

  2. Hi A. win the microwave and a week on the boat, whenever you can get down here....time is running out. You must respond within 2 weeks from May 10th. Some hidden charges may apply

