Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Last hurrah at Norman...for awhile...

One of our favorite dive sites of the BVI is "Spyglass Wall"...
on the northern shore of Norman Island. By diving standards that others
may be used to, I'm sure this isn't a spectacular dive. But by
BVI standards, it's about as good as it gets. There's a lot of
coral dead/dying, but there's also a lot that is showing some new growth. The fish population is quite large, especially with the algae eaters such as the parrot fish as well as a lot of small residents...wrasse, blue tang and chromis.

But after diving it for over 8 times and showing pictures of the same,
I thought it would be time to add some
interest to the pictures....some new, temporary residents...
Here's a little Disney action...Donald is standing
on some old, algae covered coral, Mickey is behind
a small bit of star coral, Goofy is just being Goofy,
and Minnie is hiding behind a small tube sponge

No crabs in here!

Goofy hangin' out...notice the sponge is waving also...

Here's a nice-sized lionfish, just waiting for me to stick my hand
under the coral head
Karen is becoming quite a good diver, capable of out-swimming
me and leaving me in the bubbles...
Since we had some spare time to work on the boat (between fun activities like diving) Karen got out the sewing's some new slipcovers for our settee cushions...
and I got to watch the fun!

Honestly, I can usually figure things out pretty well when it comes to mechanical stuff, but Karen has tried to show me numerous times how a sewing machine works...I'm still baffled! How does a thread on top and one on the bottom meet in the middle of some fabric and tie a knot? 

Below, was the one other mystery I've had in my life...a photo I took. I must have looked at this on the computer a dozen times before I figured out what it was. I couldn't even remember where it was taken or if it was of something above or below the water line.

See if you can figure it out...


It kind of looks like a feature on the planet Mars.

Here's a little closer shot...


Do you see it yet? I couldn't...

...and here's the last one...

Still can't make it out?
It's a crab in the sand on the beach at White Bay
on Jost Van Dyke!
I had to zoom the picture in to figure it out, also!

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