Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cats want us to be their pets


Moody, lazy, shiftless, self-absorbed, and bullies... 

Day 891 of my captivity...and these stupid humans
still have the gall to expect me to be happy...
Look into my eyes...repeat after me...must bring cat food...
must empty litterbox...must cater to all of cat's needs...
Hey...get me another set of batteries...and make it snappy...
my remote is not working...

Guess where I just left a "little gift" for thinks
you will have to dig in closet for it...

Oh Yeah...I just love this commercial...the dumb
dog is running on the treadmill...what a pathetic loser!

I'll bet that stupid, obnoxious person comes home
and want's me to greet her at the door...that ain't
...and don't even get me started about these cats...
they certainly aren't as kindly as our sailboat!
So, Please Remember:
Dog's are man's best friends...
Happy, spirited, loveable and easily trained...
the PERFECT COMPANIONS! favorite thing in the world...being with a person.... favorite thing in the world!
Whoa man...catching favorite thing in the world!

Giving love to a favorite thing in the world!
Enough Said!!

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