Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

This isn't Idaho...

Our friends, Alan and Tyler, joined the "Caribbean happy boat" for a week of fun and sun. Their journey with us took them to Norman Island, Virgin Gorda and just about everything in between. Yep...the usual: snorkeling, hiking and trailblazing, conch blowing, dancing in the sand, coconut hunting and, of course, the sailing were all hallmarks of their time with us.
That teeny, tiny boat in the far reaches of
Benures Bay....
that would be this week's host sailboat

Cactus in the Caribbean...who would've guessed

Same trail....more scratches, less to we
decided to keep pushing on

Returning to starting point, Money Bay in background

Spending time at the Michael "Beans" Happy Arrr was great, made much more special by some of our other friends that joined us for the evening: Toddy and Sue with their guests, Eddie and Mary, as well as Charles and Carol and Herb and Karen.'s burger, topped off with a swig
of Murphy's Irish Stout!

Our tables were the most well-behaved....

Tyler and the rest of the folks in the Pirate-naming contest

Alan trying to beat Charles' time in the conch-blowing
contest. Charles (on the left) won the spoils of the evening, with
a 33 second blow!

An afternoon in Virgin Gorda's North Sound requires a visit to Flip Flop Beach:

Our return to Flip Flop beach was a success!

Coconuts have many uses....

...including juggling....

...and providing practice with machetes.

We had no idea how easily the guys took to the water...almost like Labrador puppies. It appears they both REALLY liked The Baths...we spent quite a bit of time there, mostly in the water, but also climbing all over the rocks and taking routes through them that most wouldn't dare...

Tyler, at The Baths

Alan, looking for lobster (not to eat or maim or play with)
just to observe for scientific reasons.

We decided to take the path less used, and
it made all the difference in getting to the
top of the rocks.

Our last afternoon was spent visiting Road Town, enjoying the usual tourist traps: the gift shops, Pusser's Restaurant, and the visit to the ferry terminal.

We think Tyler was contemplating how to get Lizzie
back down for a visit, really soon

Tyler, Alan and Karen making their way from the dinghy dock through town to
the restaurant for lunch. Yes, I was there, too.

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