Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A message in a bottle

Riches...lost treasures...maps to untraveled foreign lands...saving lost souls on deserted beaches...maybe even a magic genie...What does finding a bottle on a deserted sea shore bring to your mind?
We, of course, think of pirate treasure just waiting to be found!
Ahhh...a deserted beach on Virgin Gorda, one of the homes of pirates of the past as well as the present
No, we didn't just stage this...neither of us like this brand of wine!

We decided to take a stroll along the beach looking for whatever had floated onto the shore...shells, japanese fishnet floats, wrecked boats, etc.

Among the rocks was this bottle with a mysterious note inside. We still can't understand how it remained sealed and unbroken among the boulders. Whoever put the message in it had sealed it with some kind of melted plastic, so removing the message wasn't going to be easy.

We got back to the boat, grabbed a small knife and the bottle corkscrew and proceeded to start working on our future riches. I was certain the message was written with disappearing ink or had some kind foreign language that would require greater skills than ours to decipher. Of course, all-important messages or secret maps are written that way. I know this because I've seen movies about it.

We spent about a half hour trying to pull the message out of the bottle. Yes, I was frustrated, but I also realized that nothing comes to those that don't make the effort. Alas, the anxiety got the best of us...we were unable to keep the bottle message removal method became as follows...wrap neck of bottle in paper towel, strike wrapped bottle with metal object, remove small fragments of bottle from area where we were standing because the paper didn't hold it all, let Karen dig out the message from the remnants of the bottle while I threw away the larger pieces and swept up the small shards.

What riches did the message have for us? It had been written and tossed into the sea by Tom Hanks as he was waiting for rescue on the island, as depicted in the true story "Castaway." Of course, that part of the story was not shown because the message never got to us until years after the movie was made.
We plan on letting him know of our find and hope that we will be shown all the riches we deserve!


So you don't believe me...


The message had been written by a couple on vacation in Anguilla, about 100 miles east of where we found it. They had stuck it into the bottle, sealed it up, tossed it into the ocean near the resort where they were staying...about 10 days before we found it.

We didn't have any way of contacting them, except through snail mail, and you don't do that in the might not get to them until 2025. We emailed the info to our friend Pam in Montana to forward to the couple's address in Oklahoma.

Haven't heard back from the Oklahomans whether they got the info or not. And I still can't understand how it made it onto the rocky shore of Virgin Gorda without breaking into a million pieces. I'll bet if I solved that puzzle there would be all kinds of engineering and stress analysis companies looking for that kind of talent.

But we're retired so I guess we'll have to pass on the opportunity and, instead, contemplate the "bartender's job" for the evening.

1 comment:

  1. It's us! The Oklahomans!
    We just received the note back from you today!
    Can you believe that it floated 100 miles in 10 days and you found it! I can't!
    Kellner and I were some cited to open the mail and find your note and the original letter we sent.
    Sorry it wasn't a cool map to treasure... Just our love and wishes of God Speed to those who found it.

    I will hunt down the pics of us before we thew it overboard and send your way?

    Have you been to The Abacos? I grew up there.
    Also, saw you dove the wreck of the roan, I have also made a dive or two on it.
    And the Junkanoo on Harbour island is the best!

    We will have to catch up some time while we are in the Caribbean.

    Thank you for reaching out to us!
    SOO cool!

    Ps. i can't believe I didn't put my email in the darn note, I regretted it after.
    Oh and that plastic that lined the cork, that was "Gorilla Glue". You will have to get some for the boat!
