Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ghost writing for grandson Tomas

Tomas, a self-portrait
Spending time with my family was really special this summer...and one of the highlights was a family reunion held at my cousins Jerry and Bonnie Robel's home in Selah, Washington. A lot of my Dad's side of the family was there, including the "trouble-makers"...the Robel and Ciez families! They really aren't trouble-makers, but it sure is fun to tease them about it...especially, since us Sheltons are so mild-mannered and proper. Some of the Kushners were there and they kept us all in line.

Anyway, my oldest grandson Tomas was given my camera and this is his contribution to the blog. I will caption the pictures as best as I can...remember, I was off doing my storytelling and he took the pics. And he took a lot of pictures...this is a small sampling of them and, unfortunately, some of the partygoers didn't get caught in his sights.

Jerry and Bonnie's welcome sign

Daughter Elizabeth, grandson Tomas, Aunt Margaret,
grandaughter Jesci, Aunt Theresa

Uhh Ohh...umm, Jerry and Bonnie's grandson?

Dad with his sisters, Aunts Margaret and Theresa

The matriarch of the Shelton/Schuller Family...Theresa Shelton.
As you can see, fun-loving behavior is genetic in our family

Bonnie Robel getting even with brother Jeff
for making her look so short all of the time

...let's see if I can do this:
Cousin Tim, cousin Tony, Aunt Theresa, Aunt Angela,
Dad, cousin Caroline, Brother Jeff, Brother Jim, and
cousin Carol, 2nd cousin Jerry Jr.? and cousin Joe in

Grandson Cori...Tomas brother, playing with his food

Jerry and Bonnie also celebrated their anniversary with
us...46 years together!!

Dog...didn't catch the name...good dog

Tomas' mom and my oldest daughter Elizabeth

Tomas' sister and my oldest grand daughter Jesci
Well, what would you expect from a boy...he thought
the oversized port-a-potty was cool!

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