Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Monday, January 17, 2011

Daysail With Spokanites

There was a recent addition made to the politically correct subculture list of know the one: Native Americans (Indians,) Hir (gender-neutral for him and her,) chronologically advantaged (old people,) etc. Well, the one I'm going to blog on are the Spokanites. They are a small group of folks living in the eastern desert of Washington State. The most identifying feature of these folks is their desire to travel to remote areas of the world to seek adventure. No distance seems too far. For instance, they would think nothing of flying all the way to Puerto Rico, just to hop on a big boat, then motor 80 miles just to hop on a tiny boat.
Royal Caribbean's "Serenade of the Seas"
Jason (works in Africa) and Regina (used to work in Billings)
Both live in Spokane...together

Alicia and Courtney (I probly speeled both wrung)

Regina and Karen worked together in the operations center
for Big Sky Airlines
 Actually, Jason used to work for Big Sky Airlines as well, piloting their Beech 1900 turboprops, hauling people all over the US and Montana.

We had a great time, sailing from Road Harbor to Little Harbor, Peter Island. Great sailing conditions, with the wind out of the East. Everybody enjoyed snorkling and a great lunch by the hostess, Karen. Then we were off to Tortola. The host (me) decided to keep most of the sails down and just motorsail back...the sky was darkening, rain was athreatening, winds were agathering...and it made me think of a great story to share.
I told them all of the time, about 2 years ago, when a group of inexperienced sailboaters got caught in a freak windstorm (similar to the one brewing up) and the boat got knocked over about a mile from where we were. Of course, all of the boat's hatches and ports were open, so the boat filled with water and sank in about 3 minutes. Everyone survived, but only after losing everything. I noticed that I was the only one with a smile for the rest of the trip.

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