Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Monday, November 28, 2011

A family that rafts together, stays together!

Part of family on Mom's side (Smith/Loges) decided to go rafting on the Payette River, near Boise, Idaho. So many others couldn't make it this year, but after hearing how much fun we all had, I'm thinking they may figure out a way to do it next time. Cousins Cindy and John, from the Boise area, organized the event. They did such a nice job of it, we may elect them to do it all of the time!
Me, cousin Steve, Karen, cousin Carla, cousin Gayle, cousin Marsha
cousin John, cousin Cindy and cousin Randi

They're smiling because they are on the best raft...the one
with Steve and me

Gayle and John thought they new how to get others wet...

We were way more aggressive!

Of, course we got a little wet also

One of the rafting guides with Marsha

The Cascade Rafting Company has a great operation

Skinny Dipper Hot Springs...the name says it all!

Yep...that's the road at the top center of the picture...not a trick really was that steep

This was a LOT warmer than the river

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ghost writing for grandson Tomas

Tomas, a self-portrait
Spending time with my family was really special this summer...and one of the highlights was a family reunion held at my cousins Jerry and Bonnie Robel's home in Selah, Washington. A lot of my Dad's side of the family was there, including the "trouble-makers"...the Robel and Ciez families! They really aren't trouble-makers, but it sure is fun to tease them about it...especially, since us Sheltons are so mild-mannered and proper. Some of the Kushners were there and they kept us all in line.

Anyway, my oldest grandson Tomas was given my camera and this is his contribution to the blog. I will caption the pictures as best as I can...remember, I was off doing my storytelling and he took the pics. And he took a lot of pictures...this is a small sampling of them and, unfortunately, some of the partygoers didn't get caught in his sights.

Jerry and Bonnie's welcome sign

Daughter Elizabeth, grandson Tomas, Aunt Margaret,
grandaughter Jesci, Aunt Theresa

Uhh Ohh...umm, Jerry and Bonnie's grandson?

Dad with his sisters, Aunts Margaret and Theresa

The matriarch of the Shelton/Schuller Family...Theresa Shelton.
As you can see, fun-loving behavior is genetic in our family

Bonnie Robel getting even with brother Jeff
for making her look so short all of the time

...let's see if I can do this:
Cousin Tim, cousin Tony, Aunt Theresa, Aunt Angela,
Dad, cousin Caroline, Brother Jeff, Brother Jim, and
cousin Carol, 2nd cousin Jerry Jr.? and cousin Joe in

Grandson Cori...Tomas brother, playing with his food

Jerry and Bonnie also celebrated their anniversary with
us...46 years together!!

Dog...didn't catch the name...good dog

Tomas' mom and my oldest daughter Elizabeth

Tomas' sister and my oldest grand daughter Jesci
Well, what would you expect from a boy...he thought
the oversized port-a-potty was cool!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


According to Webster's Dictionary, Collegiate Edition, the word procrastinator is defined as: one who puts off things intentionally and habitually.

I've never been identified with that word, just so you know.
Karen and Lori, at one of Lk. Minnetonka's boat launches
Ok...It's been awhile since the blog has been worked on. We have been busy with all of the "doings" being retired! So much to do and see, with so little time.

After leaving Ohio, we stopped in Minneapolis to meet up with Lori, a friend from the islands. She made us feel sooo welcome, driving us around to see the sights, smells and sounds of quaint cafes, farmer's markets, and Lake Minnetonka. What a special person she is!
Another shot of the lake

Next came Montana
....(insert our great sigh of relief)

We finally made it to Montana and it sure felt like a homecoming. Of course, it was summer, the ducks and geese were flying, the deer and antelope were playing and the sky wasn't cloudy all day. Ok, I lied about the clouds...but the deer and antelope were playing!

As usual, our friends Jeff and Pam helped us settle in at their home, getting our RV ready for the summer and just being plain nice. I sure miss my hunting buddy! And they missed the pies.
Jeff and Pam Enck dining with us at Los Mayas...our
favorite Mexican restaurant
Corbin and grandpa
Karen and I visited with more of our kids and grandkids...son Andrew, wife Staci and grandkids Andrew and Corbin. They are the only family left in Billings now. Oldest daughter and grandkids live in Washington, youngest daughter, husband and grandkids are in North Carolina and youngest son and girlfriend are in Virginia. Hard to believe we originally called our home Billings, MT.
Andrew with mom, Staci

Staci holding Corbin and Andrew holding Andrew

We left Billings in the RV and drove to Terrebonne, Oregon to visit with my Dad, brother Jeff and brother Jerry and wife Kathy and kids Riley and Mikayla. I put Karen on a plane to go visit her Dad and Mom in Mesquite, Nevada and I went with Dad and brothers to central Oregon for the 2011 Skyline Trail Riders get together. It is a guys-only event, 21 and older, lasting for 4 1/2 days of horse riding, socializing, scratching in places guys scratch and having just plain fun.We spent a lot of time riding through a lot of beautiful country as well as renewing old friendships and making new friends!

I would share more of the time spent on the ride, but what happens in camp stays in camp.

 Rio, playing Mr. ED

Jeff on Kernal, working on his circus act

Jerry on Rio

One of the beautiful lakes

Various campers enjoying camp

Jeff, Dad, Me, Jim, Jerry

Jerry checking the horses and Tyler (Jim's son)
overseeing Jerry's work

Me and Jim

Here we are, about to enjoy Saturday night
at the "Long Branch Saloon"
Dad was trying to distance himself from us

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oshkosh, by gosh

Karen and I took a little side trip North when passing through Wisconson, to investigate the EAA Air Venture Museum in Oshkosh, WI. It has been a dream of my Dad to go there someday and we thought it would be great to lay some groundwork for a possible trip to the annual fly-in next year.

Imagine a town of about 60,000 exploding into a population of over 500,000 for a week. A sleepy airport that gets suddenly inundated with 10,000 airplanes along with thousands of RV's and tents. I have no idea how many port-a-potties it would take to serve the needs of so many. It is one of the many things on my extensive "bucket list"!
Replica of SpaceShipOne, the 1st privately built and flown space ship.
It was the brainchild of Burt Rutan and flew into suborbital
space on Sept. 19, 2004 by Mike Melvill

North American F86 Sabre in foreground and
WWII North American B25 "Mitchell"

Replica of the 1903 Wright Flyer (lower) and I think
the upper is a replica of the Wright Glider

"Miss Champion", a Pitcairn PCA 2 Autogiro

Replica of Fokker Dr. 1 Triplane, the aircraft made famous
by Baron Manfred von Richthofen

Grumman J2F Duck, built in 1944

Replica of "Fat Boy," the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan
This mockup was used to assemble wire harnesses for the working bombs

A very real looking WAC standing next to a WWII
Army staff car

Karen and pilot getting ready for a trip around Oshkosh in a
1927 Swallow.

1930's vintage air traffic control tower microphone
used in the Cleveland, OH tower.

I'm getting a ride around the "patch" in a 1929 Travel Air
I took some video of the airplane rides and hope to have them posted on youtube shortly. Below is a link to the EAA AirVenture Museum. You can see these and many more aircraft and displays through the museum's website links.

Let us know if you plan on attending the event next year...we might see you there!