Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Monday, September 13, 2010

Headed to Boise

We were on our way to Boise for Cody and his enrollment to Northwest Lineman College. After hearing of his cousin Tyler Shelton's success in the program and reading about the challenges of working outside in dangerous working conditions, Cody thought that it really fit his personality. I've included a link to the college here...    It's sure looks like a good opportunity for him!

Along the way, we stopped for some camping along the West Fork of the Madison River (Montana.) The main branch of the Madison River is one of the premier trout fly fishing streams in the country. We had a great time, and spent almost a week there.
Along the West Fork
Looking upstream
We had the area all to ourselves
Much of our time was spent hiking and relaxing. Cody had his fun time, climbing trees and talking with his "parental units".

I think Cody was looking for firewood
I came upon a couple of sandhill cranes while on a hike
Karen was inspired by Cody's daredevil act
Cody's "hidey hole" fishing stream
fun in the sun!
Retired...and lovin' it!

1 comment:

  1. Finally! I thought you had vanished in the Bermuda Triangle, or something! Good to hear you are still rolling about. You sure do seem to find pretty country (be it on land or sea) to visit. Glad things are going well. You'll be giving up dry land next month, huh? and headed back to your boat adventures? Keep on rolling.
    Love You!
