Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So much to do, and barely enough time.

Hey, everyone...I finally posted the boat hauling video on YouTube!

Well, like we talked about earlier, we made it back to Billings in one piece. The weather was a little cooler than the Caribbean, but sure nice just the same. After 4 days of luxury accomodations at Jeff and Pam's place we needed to make our way to Mesquite, Nevada. We woke up at 4:30am for our drive to find 1/4" of snow on the car. The road was covered with compact snow/ice for the next 5 hours of driving. I'm not too intimidated with it all, but Karen sure wasn't a "happy camper!" Along the way, we found a trucker's ratcheting tie-down strap in the middle of the road. I was thinking..."More pirate's treasure....YES!"
Interstate 90/Bozeman Pass
We finally ended up at our destination...the last 10 hours of our drive being in good weather and medium traffic. One day of relaxation and recuperation from the marathon drive...and we were off to Rancho Cucamonga, California (Los Angeles area) with Les and Sandy (Karen's parents). The next day, we left for Hemet, California to visit Karen's grandmother for Mother's Day. A nice Chinese dinner was enjoyed by everyone. I left the dinner with Susan (sister-in-law), Drew, and Cory (nephews) for Camp Pendleton while the rest of the family headed back to Ken (Karen's brother) and Sue's place. Camp Pendleton is just north of San Diego and is the primary Marine Corps training base on the Pacific Coast. Cory was being hand delivered to the barracks for his next assignment in training.
Cory, Grandma, Troy and Drew

Sandy and Aunt Louise (still sportin' a Caribbean suntan)

Ken and Susan
Let's see...that covered Saturday and Sunday...Monday was Karen's birthday. We had a wonderful birthday BBQ at her brother Ken's and Susan's place. Drew and Troy were there (Cory was still enjoying a Drill Sgt.'s quiet voice). Cheryl LaPlante and Cory Shaw visited for the evening as well. Cory transferred to Ontario, California ATCT from Billings, where we had worked together before I retired.
Drew, Susan, Ken, Karen, Cory Shaw, Cheryl, Les and Sandy
My Sweety!
We headed back to Mesquite on Tuesday, enjoying a nice drive with Les and Sandy. The following day we drove to St. George, appointments for Karen and I. Our drive was sure nice, making the run both ways through Virgin River Gorge, one of the nicest rock formations in the area.

Interstate 15/Virgin River Gorge...No snow here!
We had another couple of days of relaxation and appointments...18 holes of golf on a putting course...a short 2 hour wait at the DMV...great BBQ and homemade pies by Les...and even lost $ in one of the casinos. Karen and I trudged our way back to Billings, arriving 15 hours later...time to stay put for awhile! I now have a fresh Nevada license on the car and in my pocket. Not to start rumors or anything, but this made me a Nevada resident...Karen still wants to claim Montana.

1 comment:

  1. Sure glad you are still blogging, even though you are on dry land! Aunt Di
