The BVI Spring Regatta....
A view of some of the boats rounding the southern end of Dead Chest Island
What a bunch of rookies we were...well, most of us, anyway. Don and Mora (brother/sister) hired Toddy to help them sail the regatta race. Toddy knew extra help was needed, so Derek, Roddy, another man named Don and I were asked to fill out the crew roster. The boat used by us was "Perelandra" a Beneteau 361 identical to our boat.
Perelandra was the smallest boat in our class, Bareboat B, but we held our own against all of the entrants. There were 2 races held on the first 2 days and then 1 race on the final day. On the 1st day, we placed 1st and 5th...on the 2nd day, the 1st race was canceled at the finish line and we placed 1st in the 2nd race. We were told the racing judges canceled the race because they couldn't separate the times for the individual boats since there were so many crossing the line at the same time (about 30). We discovered another irregularity with the judging once we returned to port on the 2nd least 2 other boats didn't have their certifications completed prior to the start of the racing, but were allowed to continue racing anyway, and their certification became valid after the 1st day. The net effect to us was that our 1st days' placements were changed to a 2nd and an 8th. Anyway, we took 1st again on the final race, despite jumping the start line and having to return and restart and then catch up to the rest of the boats. What a wonderful feeling. Overall, their were as many as 50 boats of different classes all among each other. Close calls were commonplace. On one start, another boat passed behind us less than 2 feet away. Yahoo!!
Despite all of the shenanigans with the judging, we ended up placing 2nd overall in a class of 14 boats. 1st place went to a boat sponsored by Heineken...we were sponsored by "Sailing for Dumbies" (aka self-sponsored). The whole crew contributed to our success, but special recognition needs to go to Toddy for his superb guidance and command of the boat.
In front, Roddy and Mora,
In back, Me, Derek, Don, and Toddy.
Not pictured was the other Don who had to leave before the finish
The Mocko Jumbies entertained everyone at the awards ceremony
We had a wonderful evening on the last day...each racing class had it's winners, and the atmosphere was full of celebration. There were many vendors offering alcohol, food and souvenirs. Karen and I met many friends that we haven't seen for awhile.
Don and Mora had purchased some raffle tickets and, not to anyone's surprise, won 3 bottles of "Necker Island Champagne". I'm not sure if the stuff is sold retail, but I wouldn't doubt that it isn't. Necker Island, next to Virgin Gorda, is owned by Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Airlines, Virgin Records, etc). He runs a very exclusive private resort there for the rich and famous (we heard Oprah was here last week) The champagne is his own label.
We've been promised more regatta pics from some of the other crew and will post them when able. If you want to see the regatta website, go to
some of the pics of Perelandra (#24) from the regatta photographer, Yachtshots, can be seen at
I really want to do more racing...and get Karen out there next time!!
Our next adventure will be back to St. Thomas to pick up Karen's Aunt Louise and her friend at the cruise ship dock for some fun in the sun.
See ya
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