Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The last few days, we've enjoyed lots of pleasure reading, shopping for groceries (food prices are about 50% to 100% higher than in Billings), driving around looking at beaches and other interesting stuff. One favorite we've discovered is looking for coconuts. Noooo, we aren't so poor yet that we are scrounging for meals.

There are a lot of marinas with boats to look at. Many of the marinas fill up with mega yachts (both power and sail) starting in November. It appears that only Fortune 500 types can afford these, to the tune of values above 10 million each.

Note: Sandy wrote the above paragraphs but did not finish so I (Karen) am sending what he has so far. I just dropped him off at the airport. He is flying to Tortola to meet with the surveyor to do a sea trial on our boat. He will be home tomorrow.

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