Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rock'n'roll Bay and other nav chart corrections

We've renamed some of the places that we anchor and thought you would like to correct your navigation charts to reflect the new names. I am going to include the appropriate justification for each.

Rock'n'roll Bay aka Fat Hogs Bay
It was a really special place to visit...once! We discovered that places to anchor here were minimal, but we did find a spot that looked good. The initial weather at the time of our stay had the winds/waves from the east, which left us pretty protected. By midnight, the waves started coming out of the southeast. Of course, as luck would have it, God put the harbor's opening towards the southeast also. So picture this...our boat, being held by the anchor, was pointing to the east. The waves were hitting us on the side because of the orientation of the bay. The dishes weren't actually flying out of the cupboards, but it sure sounded like it!

Rollyville used to be considered Road Harbor.
Due to the direction the ferries come into the harbor, as well as the southern orientation of the opening of the harbor, this anchorage can be really rolly. We are in good company, though, because there's always others to share the fun. Our anchoring area is just outside of the breakwater, next to where the cruise ships dock. This gives us something to concentrate on while trying to avoid mal de mer aka seasickness. This is where we happen to be right now as I write this blog and we are pleasantly surprised it is somewhat calm tonight. It is a great place to anchor when you need to spend money in Road Town (groceries, laundry, hardware, chandlery, booze....).

CaCatown, actually the inner harbor area of Road Harbor.
I don't have pics of the slimy/fouled anchor, various parts of our boat deck covered with yuck or my hands that were covered with the crap found on the seabed here. I'm not about to anchor in there ever again. We anchored about 4 times there (last season) and each one was worse than the previous. If Karen decided that any of these were Kodak moments, she and the camera would've been swimming. We would rather spend a lifetime in Rollyville than one more day anchoring in CaCatown.

Black and Blue Bay used to be White Bay, Peter Island.
We had heard of the beauty of this place...and we had never anchored here...Ahhh, the tranquil scene with few other boats to crowd the scenery. Then the cold front blew in from the east. No Problem Mon...we were in the shadow of the hill so we shouldn't feel a thing...WRONG! The wind would lull for 5 seconds and blow for 30 seconds (20 to 30kts) ALL---NIGHT---LONG (5 second lull/30 second blow....we should write a song!) I should have suspected something was up when I noticed the wind generators on top of the hill above us. And we also had the fun of hearing our anchor chain dragging up and down and across rocks on the seabed...I'm guessing we got about 1/2hr of sleep that night. [enter a long sigh here]

Buggybay, formerly Trellis Bay.
Now, here's a place that is filled with many friends of ours. It's also the place that's popular for the full moon parties. The locals must be using some sort of magic potion that repels the no-see-ums off of them and onto unfortunates like us (fresh meat). You can't believe the little blood-sucking monsters can bite so hard. I'm not kidding when I say they are smaller than the "i" in this sentence but their teeth feel like it's a pitbull. Honestly, the problem with these little bugs from hell only exists when the wind calms. I do believe there is no flying distance too long for them to seek out their meals.
We sure endure a lot just for your entertainment!


  1. Hi everyone again, I forgot to mention some additions made to the side panel, ie: the water temperature and the book titles we've been reading...
    cheers to all,


  2. OK, all I did was click on comments and "Post A Comment" came up. Next it says "Comment As" and a drop down will appear. You have to pick, Google Account, LiveJournal,WordPass,TypePad, AIM,Open ID,Name URL, OR Anonymous. I use Google Account. Then I Post Comment, and then the silly word comes up and I retype that and walla!

  3. The silly word says "Word verification".

    PS: Keep the winds to your back!!!

  4. I showed Andresa your blog, she was excited and is now a follower also, so dont be suprised when you start getting emails from the lil tyke hehe. I made us Almond Roca for the upcoming holiday, tase like Grandma Opal use to make, your missin out!
