Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Monday, September 13, 2010

Yep...we're still alive.

Cave divers!
Let's see...the last time you heard from us, we were in Oregon. Since then, we've been back up to Idaho, where we visited a gold mine...

Iron-stained rock
Silver-stained rock

Dynamite-stained rock
Then we headed to Montana. We spent some time exploring the town of Phillipsburg...and Georgetown Lake...

Yes, it's a sasquatch

An interesting street sign

A walk in my kind of park!
On the north side, Georgetown Lake
Another  forest "flower"

Next, came our time in Park City with Jeff and Pam...
Pam and Karen doing "wifely" duties
While in Park City, we also visited other friends and family...I even got to see my latest grandbaby...Corbin Alexander. He is the son of my oldest son Andrew and his wife Stacie. Karen made him a cute blanket and we picked out some books for our other grandson, Andrew. She also made one for another new addition to the Shelton family, Joel McAuley (Nolan and Aimee).

Soft and furry, just like lions should be

Next, we headed to SW Montana with our youngest son, Cody. He was on his way to Boise, ID and a career as a electrical lineman (once he graduates from Northwest Lineman College.) We stopped South of Ennis, MT and spent almost a week along the West Fork of the Madison River. Fishing, camping, hiking, eating, napping, talking...and that just covered the 1st two day!
 A passenger rail car at the gold mine...Karen is in the back

Some of the other mining cars

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