Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Monday, December 30, 2013

The rest of the story, and it's a long one!

Our counselors have a lot of work to do, including getting lifeguard certified, camp cleanup, training for day camps, etc. It is necessary to have fun and do teambuilding, although in a more rough and tumble way...
whoever tags the guy in the center of the group gets to be the next "leader"...
Karen got some really great photos of everyone "teambuilding"!
D-money can't hold back the "Griz" from tagging Flame,
while Tyler and Flicker watch

Erin could hardly hang on to Noah
while his dad and Tristan watch

Tango and Bubbles have the spirit

Iceman holding me back and Boromir is working Sprouts

Tonks sure seems to be have a grand time holding back Tristan

Swizzle and Erin wrestling

Coach manhandling one of Tyler's other boys...Ethan

Tyler and Griz getting serious about who's in charge here!
 Spending time at the camp was fun, but we were pretty productive as well. One of our last projects we worked on was the remodel of one of the Retreat Center bunk rooms. Tyler, Griz, brothers Josh and John, Karen and I spent some long days working on it...and it was still unfinished by the time we had to leave the camp. I've been seeing some progress on it since we've left. We are excited to see what has been done in our absence.

1st comes the removal of the ductwork and ceilings....

...and the frame-up of the built-in bunk beds....
...and then we take time out for fun...
Griz and Karen, threatening a paint war!

Here's some other fun stuff of the summer, not mentioned before:

Our annual wedding anniversary get-together with Gregg and Cyndi,
at a wonderful restaurant in Boise. After dinner we saw the Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas Program! REALLY nice evening, but still haven't gotten over the long-hair flipping of the band. I thought that all went away with the 80's.
Earlier in the summer, we spent time in Mesquite and a visit with Karen's parents, Les and Sandy...

Hawaiian/Polynesian dancers put on a dandy show at the Del Webb
Sun City Mesquite community center 

Mom and Dad Brown with Karen...all festive for the day!

Later in the summer, we traveled to California to visit friends and family...

Colleen joined us in a visit to Sean and Yasmeen's home for dinner...
The girls were school chums. What a nice evening! Sean and Yasmeen
are the perfect hosts!

Pam, Colleen, Yasmeen, Annie and Karen at the Night School for
Future Pole Dancers in Las Vegas.
These ladies have been friends for over 35 years and they all
celebrated their 50th Birthday this year!
I'm happy that Karen was able to share some of her pole dancing
moves with all of her friends. (she get's lots of experience on a sailboat)
Brother Jim drew a special archery hunting tag this year...for a bull elk in Washington. I believe the tag was one of only three for the hunting unit in 2013.
Now, think about the difficulty of drawing such an exceptional hunting tag, then scouting for the elk and, on the last day of his hunt, getting close enough to take a shot, with a bow, and making it count! You'd be excited, also!

I wasn't able to make Jim's hunt, but I did make the one with Jerry. I traveled all the way to Central Oregon for a Bighorn Sheep Hunt with my brothers and Dad. Brother Jerry drew a once-in-a-lifetime sheep tag...and only one of two that were awarded for the year in the unit he was to hunt in. Very special!!
As you can see, Jerry was successful in his sheep hunt...largely due to the pre-hunt scouting of Jerry and brother Jeff and friend Brian. As an interesting side-note:
Brian met Jerry and Jeff at the Fish and Game pre-hunt briefing, where he had shown a number of photos he had taken over the years of some of the sheep in Jerry's hunting unit. One of the photos was of a ram with a large chunk missing on his RH horn. Brian had nicknamed the ram "Chip"

Brian took the pre-hunt photo of the family...
Jeff, Jerry, Tyler, Jim, Dad and me

Brian and Jerry with "Chip"

Us old guys needed a break.
We are half way up the hill, looking back into the valley
When we had a chance to check out the chunk of horn missing on "Chip", we discovered he had been shot, previously, with a rifle (probably .223cal size). This had weakened the horn in that spot, causing the chunk to break out. Part of the bullet was still in the horn.

We headed to California from our visit in Oregon with Dad and family...spending a few nights at brother Ken and sister Susan's home. Their boys were in and out, but had a great time visiting with all of them. Before we left for Nevada we all stopped in Hemet, to visit Grandma Ramsey, Uncle Carl and Aunt Diane

5 Generations....Hadley is held by Cody...being held by Karen...
being held by Sandra...being held by Irene.

What's not being said is that there is a grandma, great grandma and a great-great grandma shown!

Ken and Karen with their Grandma Ramsey

Uncle Carl and Aunt Diane came over to visit with us in
Grandma Ramsey's room.
And last but not the least of the fun in the sun....
We get to introduce you to our newest grandbaby...

Grandma Karen visited Dad Cody, Mom Jureen and Hadley in Virginia Beach
 That makes 8 grandkids....
and I've been recently told that there are
two more in the oven and on the way!