Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Thursday, November 28, 2013

First part of our Idaho summer

Welcome to North Idaho,
and Twinlow Camp and Retreat Center
We loved our time and work at the camp. Tyler Wagner, the camp's director, invited us to work there for this summer. We were hired as part-time employees, but you could've doubted that by the hours we put in. When you have something you enjoy and have the freedom to do it in your own time frame, it no longer feels like work and more like playtime.
And we like playtime!
I was in charge of the maintenance of the camp (everything from replacing lawnmower blades to light bulbs) and Karen was responsible for bringing in new revenue guests, spreading the love to the current ones and just being Karen. As you can see, Tyler saw right off where our talents were best used! We joined the team of Tyler, "Griz" (the program director), Heather/Roxanne/Erin (the fantastic chefs) and 20 college-aged counselors.
Some of the challenges we all faced were tough, but I can honestly say that we enjoyed our time together...we even found reasons to joke when I had to replace a toilet or two that were sabotaged by teenagers dropping their sunglasses in for the fun of it. (it didn't seem so funny at the time, though)
Here are some of the guest-group ladies, quilting in Selkirk Lodge
One of the best "perks" of the job was our friends and family were invited to join us at the camp, to use the facilities and enjoy the meals and campfires!
We sure made use of that!! 
Granddaughter Destiny waiting for the boating activities to begin

Daughter Alysia and another granddaughter Andresa,
looking lovely at the waterfront
Luke and his dad, Steve, lighting fire crackers
to drop in the water...they actually work most of the time,
exploding underwater! Tyler's wife, Lizzie, in the background.

Chris, getting sandwiched between her boys

Captain Tyler and his crew, heading out for an evening
of 4th of July fireworks at the lake
Some of the tasks I needed to get done were actually accomplished by volunteers, including some visiting NOMADs...Sharon/Gary and Evelyn/Tom.
This year's volunteers were involved in painting, installing new windows, working on docks, finishing decks on cabins, landscape maintenance, fixing broken mowers and a whole host of things that made my job so much easier.

Sharon and Gary, NOMAD's that helped at the camp. Not pictured
are the other NOMADs Tom and Evelyn
 We took a timely break from our work and traveled to Kalispell, MT for a visit with our friends Charles and Carol. You may recall previous blog entries with them and their boat "Montana Sky."
Wonderful food, a visit to the Bigfork Summer Playhouse, a venture out onto Flathead Lake in the their smaller sailboat and a ride through the woods on their horses. Can you call it a vacation, when you are already retired?
As this is being typed, they have left this morning from Wilmington, NC on "Montana Sky" for Antigua. Yes folks, across the blue waters of the North Atlantic...10 days with nothing but water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink...and ground to step on...and at the mercy of whatever the weather and seas can throw at themselves. Seriously, folks...I sure would've liked to have joined them!!
Please join us in our prayers for their safe passage!

Carol, on the foredeck of their Montana sailboat

Charles getting the royal treatment to prevent rain from
getting in his hair

Charles and Carol, at the trailhead near Big Mountain Ski Resort

Carol and Tully

Charles and me on our "knotheads" 

Another couple that joined us for fun at Twinlow were Gregg and Cyndi Pruett. So fun to play Phase 10 with them, although there's always "discussion" on who's the real winner, winner of the chicken dinner. (I think it's Gregg and me, since we are better eaters than cooks) 
Gregg is photo bombing the girls
 The largest group we hosted for the summer was the Northwest Youth Camp...about 250 folks, (mostly teens) that we provided food (eating in shifts,) operating toilets, life guards to keep them safe on the waterfront and a whole lot of beds.
Northwest Youth Camp, with most inside the 100'x50' tent

Tristin (one of Tyler's and Lizzie's) trying out his "horse-bite" technique
on the master.
Sunset over Lower Twin Lake

I will be sharing more of the summer next time, but here's a small teaser...
Karen is holding a lion rug blanket she made for a little someone special!