Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Chucky Cheese Restaurants can be a great opportunity for getting much needed exercise and stretching, especially when chasing after grandkids. We had a wonderful time visiting with son Andrew and two of our grandkids while finishing last-minute business in Billings. They are sure a lot of fun to be with. The pizza wasn't too bad, either...but I must say that it still wasn't as good as Pizza Hut pan pizza with ultimate meat lovers' toppings, full of cheese and dripping meat grease...and I would really like that with a stuffed crust and extra parmesan sprinkled on top. Oh, and how about a nice semi-dark beer to wash it all, maybe, Moose Drool!
oops, I was daydreaming there, for a moment.
Little Corbin and grandpa, stiffly making his way

Little Andrew and grandpa, with sore knees.
I really thought I was more flexible than I was.
I need to get more exercise to do this again!

Big brother showing little bro' which buttons
to push for the moon and Mars
Happy grandma and dad!
Just so everyone knows, there was a sign on the side of the human hamster cage that indicated the adults were welcome to go inside and enjoy them, with now specific weight limit posted. I kept thinking that there would be a camera crew jump into view, once I was out, to say I had been on Candid Camera, or whatever reality show is on today that depicts adults doing silly things. Karen and Andrew actually had fun watching us work our way around the tubes, but didn't need to get inside where the air was stuffy and the tubes had these hard, brown crumbly things on the bottom.
Passing south, through Salt Lake City, we stopped for a visit with cousing Wendy and kids to witness and celebrate their recent baptism into the Christian faith at their church. We had a real nice evening before, and enjoyed great mexican take-out and swimming at the hotel, followed by a wonderful breakfast with them and Wendy's employer and wife. Then, we were off to their church for the great event:
Wendy and Nora


 We followed up our visit with Wendy with Thanksgiving at Karen's parent's home. Wendy and the kids visited, as well as Ken, Sue and Troy (brother, sis-in-law and son). Of course, we had our share of triptophan recovery time. I tend to google things I don't know much about (a lot of things, it seems) and it turns out that I usually get mega-sleepy due to the quantity of food rather than the type (like turkey). Here's the link I went to:

I can't wait for my next turkey feast!

Friday, January 18, 2013

The food pyramid has no room for mushrooms

Mushrooms....the very word instills fear and loathing in normally mild mannered people. Think of where the things are grown: Do you see them grown in your typical garden? How about in window planters? How about in the small herb vase on the kitchen counter? NOPE!!!
They grow on dead trees...
They grow on carpets and walls of homes...
The nasty things even grow in...
Yep...that's cow dung
Some use them for recreational purposes...
psilocybinus intoxicanus in bovine excretus...yummy...NOT!
How about giving them benign names that really don't describe the actual item...
Apricot mushroom
How about Beefsteak...
I'm thinking a little truth-in-advertising should be in order...
Bleeding Tooth...
Dead Man's Fingers Mushroom...
Witch's Hat...
So...the next time you think you need a low-calorie, low-nutritional meal, you might want to consider something more in tune with our FDA lettuce.