Beach Panorama

Beach Panorama

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lands of the astronauts and the rich and famous

We traveled back to Montana to meet with Cody, get him moved out of his apartment then head back to Boise for his tech school at Northwest Lineman's College.

Along the way back, we stopped at the Craters of the Moon National Park, ID. This was once a pristine tree-covered area, full of deer and bunny rabbits. Then the global warming started, causing the earth's crust to burst open from the excessive heat, which led to massive volcano eruptions. Death and Mayhem ruled the area for a couple of years. Unfortunately, most of the surrounding area was covered with a great lava flow, extending for miles in all directions. This created fewer hunting opportunities for the remaining indigenous tribes of the area...and I think that's why they moved to California in the early 60's.

Now, only tourists, coyotes and jackrabbits live here.

Rumor has it that the early astronauts trained here for their upcoming moon missions. Or maybe they were getting used to the barren landscapes so when they traveled to Area 51 to "stage" the lunar mission, they would look more realistic to the American public. You remember it don't you? It was 1969..."One small step for man..." Ahhh, yes! Those fiesty con artists in the CIA and NASA. Foisting the joke on the world that we actually landed on the moon in 1969. Suuuure! They sure fooled them "commies" them right out the door with the moon landings, followed closely by "Star Wars", then "Glasnost"...then the sasquatch and the chupacabra...oops,not that...that was for fooling others.

Later in the trip, we stopped in Sun Valley, ID. We strolled around the town, ate at one of the sandwich shops, then visited some of the various ski resorts in the area...there are 3 or 4 of them. Bring a lot of dinero if you want to buy a home in this area.
If you ever get the chance to visit either of these places, I recommend them highly!

Tom and Krista get married!

 The Happy Couple, before and after!

Tom and Krista, before the "deed"

Karen and Krista for a bike ride in Boise

Krista and Tom
 Karen's best friend, Krista was getting married in Boise to Tom, one of my new best friends.

Karen and Krista have been "joined at the hip" since elementary school in Roland Heights, CA. They've been through a lot of stuff together, and it would've been impossible to miss the wedding. We made a special trip to Boise to be there.

What a nice day to have a wedding!
The wedding was held at one of the nicest parks in Boise, ID and the weather couldn't have been nicer! We all walked through the park to one of the pavilions, where we all gathered around Tom and Krista as they said their vows to each other.

The wedding, held in a Ms. Albertson Park, Boise
(couldn't remember the gal's 1st name)

The announcment to the world
No face stuffing here!
Later, we gathered to a restaurant for a dinner and reception for the attendees and friends of the bride and groom. There was a DJ providing music for everyone to dance to. Krista and Karen even got out on the floor to do "The Hustle". What fun!